The Palm Sunday Services, which is at our normal service times (8:45 am, 10:30 am, & 5:00 pm) is filled with Praises, a children's choir, and waving of palm branches. Join us for the commencement of Holy Week. Hosanna in the Highest!
Our Good Friday Service is set to remember Christ's death on the Cross. The night begins with worship by our Sunday Worship team, a scripture lead sermon by Pastor Dave, and ending in a time of silent reflection. Elementary aged kids and Teens will join in on this special service.
Our Resurrection Sunday Service, also known as our Easter service, is a time of celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. The celebration begins with a time of joyful worship (singing songs of praise), saying hello to one another during our greeting time, a sermon from scriptures from Pastor Dave, and ending with more joyful worship. This year we will be offering our first ever Sunrise Service at 6:30 am in the courtyard, which is accessible from the North parking lot through the black gates. After the services, join everyone out on the lawn for Easter donuts and coffee. The children from Sunday School will be starting their Easter Egg hunt right after the services.
At CCOT we do not pass an offering plate. We do have offering boxes at the sides of the doors and in the courtyard for those who would like to give from a joyful heart. A percentage from giving goes to missions both locally and internationally. We, also, have giving available online. At the end of the year, you will receive a giving statement that you can use on your taxes.
Click here to check out our giving