April 25th-27th we will be caravaning up to join several other churches in our area for Man Camp 2025 (video) at Angeles Crest Christian Camp. The speaker is Jeff Walling, Director of Youth Initiatives at Pepperdine University. Registration will be done through the Man Camp web site.  The cost is $229/each and includes food and a bunk (in a cabin). We have a couple partial scholarships we can provide. If you are in need, let us know. As you register, you will be asked to specify the church/city with which you are affiliated. They will be grouping/bunking guys together by their church, so make sure to fill in Calvary Chapel Old Towne, Orange, CA.  If/when you register, please let us know as well, by sending an email to BOLD@CalvaryOT.com, so we can keep track of everyone who's going. This is a popular event so it's important to register early because it will close! Thanks to all who have already registered. I've included more details for the retreat below. Hope you're able to join us.

MAN CAMP Registration 

CCOT BOLD Men's fellowship

Join us on the last saturday of the month

For a hearty breakfast, fellowship, and message at 8:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Build our homes on the solid foundation of His Word.

Overcome the powerful temptations of our culture.

Lead our families with a Christlike example.

Defend our families against the forces of evil around us.